Listing Loaded Lua Modules in OpenResty or Nginx Processes

  • System Environment
  • Names of Loaded Lua Modules
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • System Environment
  • Names of Loaded Lua Modules
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools

Analyzing the Most CPU-Consuming Requests in OpenResty or Nginx

  • System Environment
  • CPU-Hottest Request Hostnames
  • CPU-Hottest Request URIs
  • Digging Deeper
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • System Environment
  • CPU-Hottest Request Hostnames
  • CPU-Hottest Request URIs
  • Digging Deeper
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools

Ylang: Universal Language for eBPF, Stap+, GDB, and More (Part 4 of 4)

  • Transparent Container Tracing
  • Efficient Stack Unwinding
  • Analyzing Dead Processes (Core Dumps)
  • Very Low Tracing Overhead
  • Standard Ylang Libraries & Tools
  • Network Filtering & Control
  • The Ylang Compiler’s Implementation
  • Operating System Support
  • Contributions to Open-Source Communities
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Transparent Container Tracing
  • Efficient Stack Unwinding
  • Analyzing Dead Processes (Core Dumps)
  • Very Low Tracing Overhead
  • Standard Ylang Libraries & Tools
  • Network Filtering & Control
  • The Ylang Compiler’s Implementation
  • Operating System Support
  • Contributions to Open-Source Communities

Ylang: Universal Language for eBPF, Stap+, GDB, and More (Part 3 of 4)

  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • String Literals
    • Built-in Regex Support
    • Full Control-Flow Support
    • Floating-Point Number Support
    • Compared to Open-Source Toolchains
  • Transparent Debug Symbol Handling
    • Debug Symbols: No Runtime Overhead
    • Centralized Package Database
    • Fuzzy Matching Debug Symbols
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • String Literals
    • Built-in Regex Support
    • Full Control-Flow Support
    • Floating-Point Number Support
    • Compared to Open-Source Toolchains
  • Transparent Debug Symbol Handling
    • Debug Symbols: No Runtime Overhead
    • Centralized Package Database
    • Fuzzy Matching Debug Symbols

Ylang: Universal Language for eBPF, Stap+, GDB, and More (Part 2 of 4)

  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • Macros with Extensions
    • Tracer and Tracee Spaces
    • Probes
    • Extended Variable Types
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • Macros with Extensions
    • Tracer and Tracee Spaces
    • Probes
    • Extended Variable Types

Ylang: Universal Language for eBPF, Stap+, GDB, and More (Part 1 of 4)

  • What is Dynamic Tracing
  • Why the “Y” Name
  • Getting Started
  • Various Backends and Runtimes
  • Why a Unified Frontend Language
  • The Language Syntax
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • What is Dynamic Tracing
  • Why the “Y” Name
  • Getting Started
  • Various Backends and Runtimes
  • Why a Unified Frontend Language
  • The Language Syntax

Introduction to Lua-Land CPU Flame Graphs

  • What is a Flame Graph
  • Simple Lua samples
  • Complicated Lua applications
  • Sampling overhead
  • Safety
  • Compatibility
  • Other types of Lua-land Flame Graphs
Photo by Guido Jansen
  • What is a Flame Graph
  • Simple Lua samples
  • Complicated Lua applications
  • Sampling overhead
  • Safety
  • Compatibility
  • Other types of Lua-land Flame Graphs

Memory Fragmentation in OpenResty and Nginx's Shared Memory Zones

  • An empty zone
  • Filling entries of similar sizes
  • Deleting odd-numbered keys
  • Deleting the keys in the first half
  • Mitigating Fragmentation
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo
  • An empty zone
  • Filling entries of similar sizes
  • Deleting odd-numbered keys
  • Deleting the keys in the first half
  • Mitigating Fragmentation

How OpenResty and Nginx Shared Memory Zones Consume RAM

  • Slabs and pages
  • What is allocated is not what is paid for
  • Fake Memory Leaks
  • HUP reload
Photo by Jose G. Ortega Castro
  • Slabs and pages
  • What is allocated is not what is paid for
  • Fake Memory Leaks
  • HUP reload

How OpenResty and Nginx Allocate and Manage Memory

  • On The System Level
  • On The Application Level
  • For Traditional Nginx Servers
Photo by Harrison Broadbent
  • On The System Level
  • On The Application Level
  • For Traditional Nginx Servers

The LuaJIT GC64 Mode

  • The Old Memory Limit
    • When Hitting The Memory Limit
    • The Memory Limit Is Per Process
    • GC-Managed Memory
    • Memory Allocated Outside GC
    • Extending The x64 Mode to The 4 GB Limit
  • The New GC64 Mode
    • How to Enable The GC64 Mode
    • Performance Impact
    • Debugging and Profiling Tool Chains
  • The Old Memory Limit
    • When Hitting The Memory Limit
    • The Memory Limit Is Per Process
    • GC-Managed Memory
    • Memory Allocated Outside GC
    • Extending The x64 Mode to The 4 GB Limit
  • The New GC64 Mode
    • How to Enable The GC64 Mode
    • Performance Impact
    • Debugging and Profiling Tool Chains
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