How we solved a CPU bottleneck caused by Lua exceptions in a custom Kong plugin (using OpenResty XRay)

  • The problem: high CPU usage in Kong servers
  • The analysis & report
  • The result: improved performance and reduced CPU usage
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The problem: high CPU usage in Kong servers
  • The analysis & report
  • The result: improved performance and reduced CPU usage

Memory and CPU usage statistics among Kong plugins online (using OpenResty XRay)

  • CPU usage among all Kong plugins in a server process
  • Memory usage among all Kong plugins in a server process
  • Extra overhead for the servers
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • CPU usage among all Kong plugins in a server process
  • Memory usage among all Kong plugins in a server process
  • Extra overhead for the servers

Troubleshooting the extra 200-ms request latency online

  • The Problem
  • The Analsysis Process
  • Fully-automated analysis
  • What is OpenResty XRay
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The Problem
  • The Analsysis Process
  • Fully-automated analysis
  • What is OpenResty XRay

Pinpointing leaked Lua tables with OpenResty XRay's command-line tools

  • How LuaJIT manages memory
  • OpenResty XRay’s command-line tools
  • An leaking example
  • Analysis procedure
  • lj-gco-ref analyzer
  • Fully-automated analysis
  • How LuaJIT manages memory
  • OpenResty XRay’s command-line tools
  • An leaking example
  • Analysis procedure
  • lj-gco-ref analyzer
  • Fully-automated analysis

Real-Time Request Counting against Nginx Processes via YSQL

  • How to install the run-ysql tool
  • Count total requests served in real time
  • Filter out specific requests
  • Using YSQL in the Web Console
  • True non-invasive tracing
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • How to install the run-ysql tool
  • Count total requests served in real time
  • Filter out specific requests
  • Using YSQL in the Web Console
  • True non-invasive tracing

How to deploy the on-premises version of OpenResty XRay on Microsoft's Azure cloud

  • Create a subscription and a resource group
  • Create the Azure Kubernetes service
  • Prepare the environment variables
  • Log in to Azure from the command line
  • Create the namespace and secret for Kubernetes
  • Create the Azure Disk
  • Update the configuration file for the persistent volume
  • Update the Kubernetes configuration file
  • Create the persistent volume
  • Deploy the Kubernetes service
  • Configure the application gateway
  • Create a subscription and a resource group
  • Create the Azure Kubernetes service
  • Prepare the environment variables
  • Log in to Azure from the command line
  • Create the namespace and secret for Kubernetes
  • Create the Azure Disk
  • Update the configuration file for the persistent volume
  • Update the Kubernetes configuration file
  • Create the persistent volume
  • Deploy the Kubernetes service
  • Configure the application gateway

When Lua IPC Pipes Block OpenResty or Nginx's Event Loops

  • The Problem
  • Analyses
  • Solutions
  • Results
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The Problem
  • Analyses
  • Solutions
  • Results

The Wonderland of Dynamic Tracing (Part 1 of 3)

  • Dynamic Tracing
  • What It Is
  • Too Good to be True?
  • How it Works
  • Still Having Doubts?
  • The Advantages of Dynamic Tracing
  • DTrace
  • SystemTap
  • DTrace and SystemTap
  • Applications of SystemTap in Production
Photo by Philip Brown
  • Dynamic Tracing
  • What It Is
  • Too Good to be True?
  • How it Works
  • Still Having Doubts?
  • The Advantages of Dynamic Tracing
  • DTrace
  • SystemTap
  • DTrace and SystemTap
  • Applications of SystemTap in Production

The Wonderland of Dynamic Tracing (Part 2 of 3)

  • Flame Graphs
  • Methodology
  • Knowledge Is Power
  • Open-Source and Debug Symbols
  • Flame Graphs
  • Methodology
  • Knowledge Is Power
  • Open-Source and Debug Symbols

The Wonderland of Dynamic Tracing (Part 3 of 3)

  • Dynamic Tracing Support in Linux Kernels
  • Hardware Tracing
  • Analyze Remains of Dead Process
  • Traditional Debugging Technologies
  • A Messy World of Debugging
  • OpenResty XRay
Photo by L N
  • Dynamic Tracing Support in Linux Kernels
  • Hardware Tracing
  • Analyze Remains of Dead Process
  • Traditional Debugging Technologies
  • A Messy World of Debugging
  • OpenResty XRay

Optimize Memory Fragmentation due to Huge Nginx Configuration

  • Challenges
  • Analyses
  • Solutions
  • Results
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Challenges
  • Analyses
  • Solutions
  • Results

New FAQ Doc for OpenResty XRay

We recently prepared a new FAQ document for OpenResty XRay
Photo by Yichun Zhang
We recently prepared a new FAQ document for OpenResty XRay

Automatic Analysis Reports in OpenResty XRay

  • The Past
  • The Present
  • The Future
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The Past
  • The Present
  • The Future

Resolving Bilibili’s major site incident with OpenResty XRay

  • The incident
  • Process of resolution
  • Hardening after the incident
  • OpenResty XRay Services
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The incident
  • Process of resolution
  • Hardening after the incident
  • OpenResty XRay Services

Tracing the Slowest PCRE Regular Expressions in OpenResty or Nginx Processes

  • System Environment
  • Narrowing Down the Culprit without Guessing
  • Limiting the execution overhead of PCRE
  • Non-Backtracking Regular Expression Engines
  • Lua’s Builtin Patterns
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools
  • System Environment
  • Narrowing Down the Culprit without Guessing
  • Limiting the execution overhead of PCRE
  • Non-Backtracking Regular Expression Engines
  • Lua’s Builtin Patterns
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools

Listing Loaded Lua Modules in OpenResty or Nginx Processes

  • System Environment
  • Names of Loaded Lua Modules
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • System Environment
  • Names of Loaded Lua Modules
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools

Analyzing the Most CPU-Consuming Requests in OpenResty or Nginx

  • System Environment
  • CPU-Hottest Request Hostnames
  • CPU-Hottest Request URIs
  • Digging Deeper
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • System Environment
  • CPU-Hottest Request Hostnames
  • CPU-Hottest Request URIs
  • Digging Deeper
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools

Ylang: Universal Language for eBPF, Stap+, GDB, and More (Part 4 of 4)

  • Transparent Container Tracing
  • Efficient Stack Unwinding
  • Analyzing Dead Processes (Core Dumps)
  • Very Low Tracing Overhead
  • Standard Ylang Libraries & Tools
  • Network Filtering & Control
  • The Ylang Compiler’s Implementation
  • Operating System Support
  • Contributions to Open-Source Communities
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Transparent Container Tracing
  • Efficient Stack Unwinding
  • Analyzing Dead Processes (Core Dumps)
  • Very Low Tracing Overhead
  • Standard Ylang Libraries & Tools
  • Network Filtering & Control
  • The Ylang Compiler’s Implementation
  • Operating System Support
  • Contributions to Open-Source Communities

Ylang: Universal Language for eBPF, Stap+, GDB, and More (Part 3 of 4)

  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • String Literals
    • Built-in Regex Support
    • Full Control-Flow Support
    • Floating-Point Number Support
    • Compared to Open-Source Toolchains
  • Transparent Debug Symbol Handling
    • Debug Symbols: No Runtime Overhead
    • Centralized Package Database
    • Fuzzy Matching Debug Symbols
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • String Literals
    • Built-in Regex Support
    • Full Control-Flow Support
    • Floating-Point Number Support
    • Compared to Open-Source Toolchains
  • Transparent Debug Symbol Handling
    • Debug Symbols: No Runtime Overhead
    • Centralized Package Database
    • Fuzzy Matching Debug Symbols

Ylang: Universal Language for eBPF, Stap+, GDB, and More (Part 2 of 4)

  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • Macros with Extensions
    • Tracer and Tracee Spaces
    • Probes
    • Extended Variable Types
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The Language Syntax (Continued)
    • Macros with Extensions
    • Tracer and Tracee Spaces
    • Probes
    • Extended Variable Types
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