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Pinpointing the blocking Python code paths (using OpenResty XRay)

  • Problem: low CPU usage
  • Use the guidede analysis feature of OpenResty XRay to spot the blocking Python code paths
  • Automatic analysis and reports
  • What is OpenResty XRay
  • Problem: low CPU usage
  • Use the guidede analysis feature of OpenResty XRay to spot the blocking Python code paths
  • Automatic analysis and reports
  • What is OpenResty XRay

Pinpointing hottest Perl code paths (using OpenResty XRay)

  • Problem: high CPU usage
  • Use the guidede analysis feature of OpenResty XRay to spot the hottest Perl code paths
  • Automatic analysis and reports
  • What is OpenResty XRay
  • Problem: high CPU usage
  • Use the guidede analysis feature of OpenResty XRay to spot the hottest Perl code paths
  • Automatic analysis and reports
  • What is OpenResty XRay

Pinpointing hottest Lua code paths in online OpenResty/Nginx servers (using OpenResty XRay)

  • Problem: high CPU usage
  • Use the guidede analysis feature of OpenResty XRay to spot the hottest Lua code paths
  • Automatic analysis and reports
  • Problem: high CPU usage
  • Use the guidede analysis feature of OpenResty XRay to spot the hottest Lua code paths
  • Automatic analysis and reports

Using request IDs to troubleshoot problematic requests in OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Global configuration Request ID
  • Request ID Decoder
  • Global configuration Request ID
  • Request ID Decoder

Configuring hCaptcha’s captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure hCaptcha in OpenResty Edge
  • Test
  • Configure hCaptcha in OpenResty Edge
  • Test

Configuring SNI proxies in OpenResty Edge

  • Create an SNI proxy application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the application
  • Test the SNI proxy application
  • Create an SNI proxy application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the application
  • Test the SNI proxy application

Pushing static resources to OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Upload static resources
  • Create a page rule to use the uploaded static resources
  • Test
  • Upload static resources
  • Create a page rule to use the uploaded static resources
  • Test

Configuring the built-in captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure OpenResty Edge’s built-in captcha
  • Test
  • Configure OpenResty Edge’s built-in captcha
  • Test

Configuring gateway access log files in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure access log format on the global config page
  • Configure access logs for the sample application
  • Test access logs
  • Configure access log format on the global config page
  • Configure access logs for the sample application
  • Test access logs

Load-balancing TCP applications via OpenResty Edge

  • Create a TCP application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the TCP application
  • Test the TCP application
  • Create a TCP application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the TCP application
  • Test the TCP application

Configuring error log files in OpenResty Edge

  • Error logs of the sample application
  • Error logs of openresty.com
  • Global error logs
  • Check error logs on servers
  • Error logs of the sample application
  • Error logs of openresty.com
  • Global error logs
  • Check error logs on servers

Configuring sticky cookies in OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Introduction to Sticky Cookie in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable Sticky Cookie for the sample application
  • Test
  • Disable Sticky Cookie
  • Test
  • Introduction to Sticky Cookie in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable Sticky Cookie for the sample application
  • Test
  • Disable Sticky Cookie
  • Test

How to use standard dynamic metrics in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Enable standard dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
  • Standard dynamic metrics of openresty.org
  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Enable standard dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
  • Standard dynamic metrics of openresty.org

Managing traffic to Kubernetes (K8s) upstreams in OpenResty Edge

  • How to create and use Kubernetes upstream
    • Create Kubernetes cluster
    • Create Kubernetes upstream
    • Create a page rule that uses Kubernetes upstream
    • Test
  • How to create and use Kubernetes upstream
    • Create Kubernetes cluster
    • Create Kubernetes upstream
    • Create a page rule that uses Kubernetes upstream
    • Test

How to deploy the on-premises version of OpenResty XRay on Microsoft's Azure cloud

  • Create a subscription and a resource group
  • Create the Azure Kubernetes service
  • Prepare the environment variables
  • Log in to Azure from the command line
  • Create the namespace and secret for Kubernetes
  • Create the Azure Disk
  • Update the configuration file for the persistent volume
  • Update the Kubernetes configuration file
  • Create the persistent volume
  • Deploy the Kubernetes service
  • Configure the application gateway
  • Create a subscription and a resource group
  • Create the Azure Kubernetes service
  • Prepare the environment variables
  • Log in to Azure from the command line
  • Create the namespace and secret for Kubernetes
  • Create the Azure Disk
  • Update the configuration file for the persistent volume
  • Update the Kubernetes configuration file
  • Create the persistent volume
  • Deploy the Kubernetes service
  • Configure the application gateway

Configure distributed gRPC proxy in OpenResty Edge

  • gRPC sample server and sample service
  • Use the gRPC server as an upstream
  • Test the gRPC service
  • gRPC sample server and sample service
  • Use the gRPC server as an upstream
  • Test the gRPC service

High-Performance Web Application Firewall (WAF) in OpenResty Edge

  • Enable WAF for applications
  • Test the WAF settings of applications
  • Disable and re-enable WAF
  • WAF whitelist
  • Change the block action after a WAF hit
  • Test the new block action
  • Create WAF rule set
  • The implementation of WAF in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable WAF for applications
  • Test the WAF settings of applications
  • Disable and re-enable WAF
  • WAF whitelist
  • Change the block action after a WAF hit
  • Test the new block action
  • Create WAF rule set
  • The implementation of WAF in OpenResty Edge

The EdgeLang DSL in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Add a page rule defined using Edgelang
  • Test
  • Modify the Edgelang definition of the page rule
  • Define WAF rules using Edgelang
  • Edgelang user manual
  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Add a page rule defined using Edgelang
  • Test
  • Modify the Edgelang definition of the page rule
  • Define WAF rules using Edgelang
  • Edgelang user manual

How to pass the real client IP addresses to backend servers via special request headers

  • Set up page rules for applications
  • Test
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Set up page rules for applications
  • Test

Analyzing the Most CPU-Consuming Requests in OpenResty or Nginx

  • System Environment
  • CPU-Hottest Request Hostnames
  • CPU-Hottest Request URIs
  • Digging Deeper
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • System Environment
  • CPU-Hottest Request Hostnames
  • CPU-Hottest Request URIs
  • Digging Deeper
  • Running Directly in the Web Console
  • Tracing Applications inside Containers
  • How The Tools are Implemented
  • The Overhead of the Tools

Configure HTTP basic auth in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure the HTTP basic auth credentials for applications
    • Add a basic auth user group
    • Enable the basic authentication
    • Test
  • Configure the global HTTP basic auth
    • Add a global basic auth user group
    • Configure the global auth for application
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Configure the HTTP basic auth credentials for applications
    • Add a basic auth user group
    • Enable the basic authentication
    • Test
  • Configure the global HTTP basic auth
    • Add a global basic auth user group
    • Configure the global auth for application

How to use custom dynamic metrics in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Create custom dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Create custom dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test

Limit Request Rate by Custom Keys in OpenResty Edge

  • Add request rate limiting page rule for the sample application
  • Test
  • Limit the rate of SSL handshakes
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Add request rate limiting page rule for the sample application
  • Test
  • Limit the rate of SSL handshakes

Gateway Config's Version Control & Release Management in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a page rule for the sample application
  • Release the page rule
  • Test
  • Modify the page rule
  • Release the modification
  • Test the modification
  • Revert the release
  • Test of the release reverting
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a page rule for the sample application
  • Release the page rule
  • Test
  • Modify the page rule
  • Release the modification
  • Test the modification
  • Revert the release
  • Test of the release reverting

Auto-Generate Demo Videos for Google Search from Screenplay Docs (via OpenResty Showman)

Photo by Yichun Zhang

Set Different Host Headers for Upstream Requests in OpenResty Edge

  • Before setting the Host header of the upstream request
  • Set the Host header of the upstream request
  • Test of the new page rule
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Before setting the Host header of the upstream request
  • Set the Host header of the upstream request
  • Test of the new page rule

Redirect to different URIs Based on Clients' Language Settings (OpenResty Edge)

  • The origin site which supports different languages
  • Create a page rule for redirection
  • Test the new page rule
  • Add a new page rule to redirect to the English page
  • Test the new page rule
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The origin site which supports different languages
  • Create a page rule for redirection
  • Test the new page rule
  • Add a new page rule to redirect to the English page
  • Test the new page rule

Enforce the use of SSL in websites via OpenResty Edge

  • Create the page rules to redirect HTTP requests
  • Test the page rule
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create the page rules to redirect HTTP requests
  • Test the page rule

Issue Free SSL Certificates via Let's Encrypt in OpenResty Edge

  • Add wildcard domains to the sample application
  • Add SSL certificates
  • Test
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Add wildcard domains to the sample application
  • Add SSL certificates
  • Test

Upload SSL Certificates for HTTPS Sites in OpenResty Edge

  • Upload the SSL certificate for the sample application
  • Test the uploaded certificate
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Upload the SSL certificate for the sample application
  • Test the uploaded certificate

Real-Time Purge HTTP Cache in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a cache purge job for the sample application
  • Verify the cache status
  • Try purging by URL prefixes
  • Custom purge conditions
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a cache purge job for the sample application
  • Verify the cache status
  • Try purging by URL prefixes
  • Custom purge conditions

Enable HTTP Cache in OpenResty Edge

  • Enable response caching for the sample application
  • Test the response caching
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Enable response caching for the sample application
  • Test the response caching

Set up a Simplest Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer with OpenResty Edge

  • Create a sample application
  • Create an upstream for the sample application
  • Create a page rule to make use of the upstream
  • Release the configuration
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a sample application
  • Create an upstream for the sample application
  • Create a page rule to make use of the upstream
  • Release the configuration

Install OpenResty on Ubuntu 20.04 via apt-get

Photo by Ubuntu

Streaming HTTP Response Output in OpenResty

Photo by Michal Matlon

Precompile Lua Modules into LuaJIT Bytecode to Speedup OpenResty Startup

Photo by Yichun Zhang

Timing Lua Code Correctly in OpenResty

Photo by Andrik Langfield

Lookup OpenResty Documentation on Terminal with restydoc

Photo by Cristina Gottardi

Share Data Across Requests Served by OpenResty

Photo by Gautam Ganguly

Install OpenResty on CentOS 8 via dnf

Photo by Yichun Zhang

The resty Command-Line Utility Demo

Photo by Markus Spiske & Yichun Zhang

Write Your Own Lua Modules for OpenResty Applications

Photo by Gerry Roarty

Hello World HTTP Example in OpenResty

Photo by 2Photo Pots
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