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How to Automate Managing Gateway Servers in K8s Environment (using OpenResty Edge)

  • Bind a Kubernetes to a gateway cluster
  • Test the result
  • What is OpenResty Edge
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Bind a Kubernetes to a gateway cluster
  • Test the result
  • What is OpenResty Edge

Use Lua Extensions to Respond to Gateway Server Offline Events in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a new Lua extension
  • Trigger the Lua extension with an offline gateway server
  • What is OpenResty Edge
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a new Lua extension
  • Trigger the Lua extension with an offline gateway server
  • What is OpenResty Edge

Enable Automatic Healthcheck for Gateway Servers in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a new page rule
  • Enable the healthcheck for gateway server
  • Test the result
  • What is OpenResty Edge
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a new page rule
  • Enable the healthcheck for gateway server
  • Test the result
  • What is OpenResty Edge

How to Use Gateway Partitions in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a new partition
  • Create a new application in the new partition
  • Create a new page rule
  • Test the new partition
  • What is OpenResty Edge
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a new partition
  • Create a new application in the new partition
  • Create a new page rule
  • Test the new partition
  • What is OpenResty Edge

Accurately Restore the Real Client IP Address in OpenResty Edge

  • Set “Trusted hosts to set real IP” and “Real IP from” Globally
  • Configure the Application to Output the Client Address
  • Check the Client Address Received on OpenResty Edge
  • What is OpenResty Edge
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Set “Trusted hosts to set real IP” and “Real IP from” Globally
  • Configure the Application to Output the Client Address
  • Check the Client Address Received on OpenResty Edge
  • What is OpenResty Edge

Control Access to DNS Applications in OpenResty Edge's Admin Console

  • Check DNS page permissions as a super user
  • Create a user group with only read permission for this DNS application
  • Create a tester account
  • See the DNS applications with permission granted
  • What is OpenResty Edge
  • Check DNS page permissions as a super user
  • Create a user group with only read permission for this DNS application
  • Create a tester account
  • See the DNS applications with permission granted
  • What is OpenResty Edge

Call Lua modules by Edgelang in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a Lua module in OpenResty Edge
  • Call the Lua module in an HTTP application of OpenResty Edge
  • Verify the effect of calling the Lua module
  • What is OpenResty Edge
  • Create a Lua module in OpenResty Edge
  • Call the Lua module in an HTTP application of OpenResty Edge
  • Verify the effect of calling the Lua module
  • What is OpenResty Edge

Global Search in OpenResty Edge

  • Search for Request ID
  • Search for texts on the interface
  • Search for upstreams
  • Search for applications
  • Search for blog posts
  • Search for Request ID
  • Search for texts on the interface
  • Search for upstreams
  • Search for applications
  • Search for blog posts

How to Use Gateway Staging Servers in OpenResty Edge

  • What are staging servers
  • Set up gateway servers as staging servers
  • Release changes to staging servers
  • Test changes on staging servers
  • What are staging servers
  • Set up gateway servers as staging servers
  • Release changes to staging servers
  • Test changes on staging servers

Configuring Webhooks in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a webhook in OpenResty Edge Admin
  • Trigger the webhook
  • Check the webhook execution history
  • Create a webhook in OpenResty Edge Admin
  • Trigger the webhook
  • Check the webhook execution history

Configure Custom Error Pages in OpenResty Edge

  • Custom Templates Creation
  • Application of Templates
  • Validation of page rules
  • Global Rewrite Rules
  • Custom Templates Creation
  • Application of Templates
  • Validation of page rules
  • Global Rewrite Rules

Configure DNS Records in OpenResty Edge

  • Adding DNS records
  • Testing DNS records
  • Configuring Authoritative DNS Servers
  • Adding DNS records
  • Testing DNS records
  • Configuring Authoritative DNS Servers

Adding Custom Response Headers in OpenResty Edge

  • Add New Respond Header and Use String As Value
  • Use “System Hostname” As a Built-in Variable for Value
  • Add New Respond Header and Use String As Value
  • Use “System Hostname” As a Built-in Variable for Value

How to Use OpenResty Edge's Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) Feature

  • View load balancing plans
  • The GSLB configurations
  • Edit each Edge Node to adjust the traffic flow
  • View load balancing plans
  • The GSLB configurations
  • Edit each Edge Node to adjust the traffic flow

User Management and Access Control in OpenResty Edge’s Web Console

  • Set Up a New Normal User Account
  • Basic Configuration and Role-based Permission Control
  • Configuration of Access Control
  • Test the Results
  • Set Up a New Normal User Account
  • Basic Configuration and Role-based Permission Control
  • Configuration of Access Control
  • Test the Results

EdgeLang: A Powerful and Efficient Language for Gateway Logic

  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Benefits of Edgelang
  • Edgelang in Edge Admin
  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Benefits of Edgelang
  • Edgelang in Edge Admin

Using request IDs to troubleshoot problematic requests in OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Global configuration Request ID
  • Request ID Decoder
  • Global configuration Request ID
  • Request ID Decoder

Configuring hCaptcha’s captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure hCaptcha in OpenResty Edge
  • Test
  • Configure hCaptcha in OpenResty Edge
  • Test

Configuring SNI proxies in OpenResty Edge

  • Create an SNI proxy application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the application
  • Test the SNI proxy application
  • Create an SNI proxy application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the application
  • Test the SNI proxy application

Pushing static resources to OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Upload static resources
  • Create a page rule to use the uploaded static resources
  • Test
  • Upload static resources
  • Create a page rule to use the uploaded static resources
  • Test

Configuring the built-in captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure OpenResty Edge’s built-in captcha
  • Test
  • Configure OpenResty Edge’s built-in captcha
  • Test

Configuring gateway access log files in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure access log format on the global config page
  • Configure access logs for the sample application
  • Test access logs
  • Configure access log format on the global config page
  • Configure access logs for the sample application
  • Test access logs

Load-balancing TCP applications via OpenResty Edge

  • Create a TCP application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the TCP application
  • Test the TCP application
  • Create a TCP application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the TCP application
  • Test the TCP application

Configuring error log files in OpenResty Edge

  • Error logs of the sample application
  • Error logs of openresty.com
  • Global error logs
  • Check error logs on servers
  • Error logs of the sample application
  • Error logs of openresty.com
  • Global error logs
  • Check error logs on servers

Configuring sticky cookies in OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Introduction to Sticky Cookie in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable Sticky Cookie for the sample application
  • Test
  • Disable Sticky Cookie
  • Test
  • Introduction to Sticky Cookie in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable Sticky Cookie for the sample application
  • Test
  • Disable Sticky Cookie
  • Test

How to use standard dynamic metrics in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Enable standard dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
  • Standard dynamic metrics of openresty.org
  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Enable standard dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
  • Standard dynamic metrics of openresty.org

Managing traffic to Kubernetes (K8s) upstreams in OpenResty Edge

  • How to create and use Kubernetes upstream
    • Create Kubernetes cluster
    • Create Kubernetes upstream
    • Create a page rule that uses Kubernetes upstream
    • Test
  • How to create and use Kubernetes upstream
    • Create Kubernetes cluster
    • Create Kubernetes upstream
    • Create a page rule that uses Kubernetes upstream
    • Test

Configure distributed gRPC proxy in OpenResty Edge

  • gRPC sample server and sample service
  • Use the gRPC server as an upstream
  • Test the gRPC service
  • gRPC sample server and sample service
  • Use the gRPC server as an upstream
  • Test the gRPC service

High-Performance Web Application Firewall (WAF) in OpenResty Edge

  • Enable WAF for applications
  • Test the WAF settings of applications
  • Disable and re-enable WAF
  • WAF whitelist
  • Change the block action after a WAF hit
  • Test the new block action
  • Create WAF rule set
  • The implementation of WAF in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable WAF for applications
  • Test the WAF settings of applications
  • Disable and re-enable WAF
  • WAF whitelist
  • Change the block action after a WAF hit
  • Test the new block action
  • Create WAF rule set
  • The implementation of WAF in OpenResty Edge

The EdgeLang DSL in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Add a page rule defined using Edgelang
  • Test
  • Modify the Edgelang definition of the page rule
  • Define WAF rules using Edgelang
  • Edgelang user manual
  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Add a page rule defined using Edgelang
  • Test
  • Modify the Edgelang definition of the page rule
  • Define WAF rules using Edgelang
  • Edgelang user manual

How to pass the real client IP addresses to backend servers via special request headers

  • Set up page rules for applications
  • Test
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Set up page rules for applications
  • Test

Configure HTTP basic auth in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure the HTTP basic auth credentials for applications
    • Add a basic auth user group
    • Enable the basic authentication
    • Test
  • Configure the global HTTP basic auth
    • Add a global basic auth user group
    • Configure the global auth for application
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Configure the HTTP basic auth credentials for applications
    • Add a basic auth user group
    • Enable the basic authentication
    • Test
  • Configure the global HTTP basic auth
    • Add a global basic auth user group
    • Configure the global auth for application

How to use custom dynamic metrics in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Create custom dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Create custom dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test

Limit Request Rate by Custom Keys in OpenResty Edge

  • Add request rate limiting page rule for the sample application
  • Test
  • Limit the rate of SSL handshakes
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Add request rate limiting page rule for the sample application
  • Test
  • Limit the rate of SSL handshakes

Gateway Config's Version Control & Release Management in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a page rule for the sample application
  • Release the page rule
  • Test
  • Modify the page rule
  • Release the modification
  • Test the modification
  • Revert the release
  • Test of the release reverting
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a page rule for the sample application
  • Release the page rule
  • Test
  • Modify the page rule
  • Release the modification
  • Test the modification
  • Revert the release
  • Test of the release reverting

Set Different Host Headers for Upstream Requests in OpenResty Edge

  • Before setting the Host header of the upstream request
  • Set the Host header of the upstream request
  • Test of the new page rule
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Before setting the Host header of the upstream request
  • Set the Host header of the upstream request
  • Test of the new page rule

Redirect to different URIs Based on Clients' Language Settings (OpenResty Edge)

  • The origin site which supports different languages
  • Create a page rule for redirection
  • Test the new page rule
  • Add a new page rule to redirect to the English page
  • Test the new page rule
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • The origin site which supports different languages
  • Create a page rule for redirection
  • Test the new page rule
  • Add a new page rule to redirect to the English page
  • Test the new page rule

Enforce the use of SSL in websites via OpenResty Edge

  • Create the page rules to redirect HTTP requests
  • Test the page rule
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create the page rules to redirect HTTP requests
  • Test the page rule

Issue Free SSL Certificates via Let's Encrypt in OpenResty Edge

  • Add wildcard domains to the sample application
  • Add SSL certificates
  • Test
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Add wildcard domains to the sample application
  • Add SSL certificates
  • Test

Upload SSL Certificates for HTTPS Sites in OpenResty Edge

  • Upload the SSL certificate for the sample application
  • Test the uploaded certificate
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Upload the SSL certificate for the sample application
  • Test the uploaded certificate

Real-Time Purge HTTP Cache in OpenResty Edge

  • Create a cache purge job for the sample application
  • Verify the cache status
  • Try purging by URL prefixes
  • Custom purge conditions
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a cache purge job for the sample application
  • Verify the cache status
  • Try purging by URL prefixes
  • Custom purge conditions

Enable HTTP Cache in OpenResty Edge

  • Enable response caching for the sample application
  • Test the response caching
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Enable response caching for the sample application
  • Test the response caching

Set up a Simplest Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer with OpenResty Edge

  • Create a sample application
  • Create an upstream for the sample application
  • Create a page rule to make use of the upstream
  • Release the configuration
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Create a sample application
  • Create an upstream for the sample application
  • Create a page rule to make use of the upstream
  • Release the configuration
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