EdgeLang: A Powerful and Efficient Language for Gateway Logic

  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Benefits of Edgelang
  • Edgelang in Edge Admin
  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Benefits of Edgelang
  • Edgelang in Edge Admin

Pinpointing leaked Lua tables with OpenResty XRay's command-line tools

  • How LuaJIT manages memory
  • OpenResty XRay’s command-line tools
  • An leaking example
  • Analysis procedure
  • lj-gco-ref analyzer
  • Fully-automated analysis
  • How LuaJIT manages memory
  • OpenResty XRay’s command-line tools
  • An leaking example
  • Analysis procedure
  • lj-gco-ref analyzer
  • Fully-automated analysis

Real-Time Request Counting against Nginx Processes via YSQL

  • How to install the run-ysql tool
  • Count total requests served in real time
  • Filter out specific requests
  • Using YSQL in the Web Console
  • True non-invasive tracing
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • How to install the run-ysql tool
  • Count total requests served in real time
  • Filter out specific requests
  • Using YSQL in the Web Console
  • True non-invasive tracing

Using request IDs to troubleshoot problematic requests in OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Global configuration Request ID
  • Request ID Decoder
  • Global configuration Request ID
  • Request ID Decoder

Configuring hCaptcha’s captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure hCaptcha in OpenResty Edge
  • Test
  • Configure hCaptcha in OpenResty Edge
  • Test

Configuring SNI proxies in OpenResty Edge

  • Create an SNI proxy application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the application
  • Test the SNI proxy application
  • Create an SNI proxy application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the application
  • Test the SNI proxy application

Pushing static resources to OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Upload static resources
  • Create a page rule to use the uploaded static resources
  • Test
  • Upload static resources
  • Create a page rule to use the uploaded static resources
  • Test

Configuring the built-in captcha webpages in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure OpenResty Edge’s built-in captcha
  • Test
  • Configure OpenResty Edge’s built-in captcha
  • Test

Configuring gateway access log files in OpenResty Edge

  • Configure access log format on the global config page
  • Configure access logs for the sample application
  • Test access logs
  • Configure access log format on the global config page
  • Configure access logs for the sample application
  • Test access logs

Load-balancing TCP applications via OpenResty Edge

  • Create a TCP application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the TCP application
  • Test the TCP application
  • Create a TCP application
  • Create an upstream and a page rule for the TCP application
  • Test the TCP application

Configuring error log files in OpenResty Edge

  • Error logs of the sample application
  • Error logs of openresty.com
  • Global error logs
  • Check error logs on servers
  • Error logs of the sample application
  • Error logs of openresty.com
  • Global error logs
  • Check error logs on servers

Configuring sticky cookies in OpenResty Edge gateways

  • Introduction to Sticky Cookie in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable Sticky Cookie for the sample application
  • Test
  • Disable Sticky Cookie
  • Test
  • Introduction to Sticky Cookie in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable Sticky Cookie for the sample application
  • Test
  • Disable Sticky Cookie
  • Test

How to use standard dynamic metrics in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Enable standard dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
  • Standard dynamic metrics of openresty.org
  • Introduction to dynamic metrics
  • Enable standard dynamic metrics for the sample application
  • Test
  • Standard dynamic metrics of openresty.org

Managing traffic to Kubernetes (K8s) upstreams in OpenResty Edge

  • How to create and use Kubernetes upstream
    • Create Kubernetes cluster
    • Create Kubernetes upstream
    • Create a page rule that uses Kubernetes upstream
    • Test
  • How to create and use Kubernetes upstream
    • Create Kubernetes cluster
    • Create Kubernetes upstream
    • Create a page rule that uses Kubernetes upstream
    • Test

How to deploy the on-premises version of OpenResty XRay on Microsoft's Azure cloud

  • Create a subscription and a resource group
  • Create the Azure Kubernetes service
  • Prepare the environment variables
  • Log in to Azure from the command line
  • Create the namespace and secret for Kubernetes
  • Create the Azure Disk
  • Update the configuration file for the persistent volume
  • Update the Kubernetes configuration file
  • Create the persistent volume
  • Deploy the Kubernetes service
  • Configure the application gateway
  • Create a subscription and a resource group
  • Create the Azure Kubernetes service
  • Prepare the environment variables
  • Log in to Azure from the command line
  • Create the namespace and secret for Kubernetes
  • Create the Azure Disk
  • Update the configuration file for the persistent volume
  • Update the Kubernetes configuration file
  • Create the persistent volume
  • Deploy the Kubernetes service
  • Configure the application gateway

Configure distributed gRPC proxy in OpenResty Edge

  • gRPC sample server and sample service
  • Use the gRPC server as an upstream
  • Test the gRPC service
  • gRPC sample server and sample service
  • Use the gRPC server as an upstream
  • Test the gRPC service

High-Performance Web Application Firewall (WAF) in OpenResty Edge

  • Enable WAF for applications
  • Test the WAF settings of applications
  • Disable and re-enable WAF
  • WAF whitelist
  • Change the block action after a WAF hit
  • Test the new block action
  • Create WAF rule set
  • The implementation of WAF in OpenResty Edge
  • Enable WAF for applications
  • Test the WAF settings of applications
  • Disable and re-enable WAF
  • WAF whitelist
  • Change the block action after a WAF hit
  • Test the new block action
  • Create WAF rule set
  • The implementation of WAF in OpenResty Edge

The EdgeLang DSL in OpenResty Edge

  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Add a page rule defined using Edgelang
  • Test
  • Modify the Edgelang definition of the page rule
  • Define WAF rules using Edgelang
  • Edgelang user manual
  • Introduction to Edgelang
  • Add a page rule defined using Edgelang
  • Test
  • Modify the Edgelang definition of the page rule
  • Define WAF rules using Edgelang
  • Edgelang user manual

OpenResty RC1 is out

  • Source package
  • Windows binary packages
  • Version highlights
  • Source package
  • Windows binary packages
  • Version highlights

How to pass the real client IP addresses to backend servers via special request headers

  • Set up page rules for applications
  • Test
Photo by Yichun Zhang
  • Set up page rules for applications
  • Test
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